Meet the Species
Lahille's bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus gephyreus or Tursiops gephyreus), also known as bottlenose dolphin, mullet dolphin, or fishing dolphin, is a dolphin species from the Delphinidae family. It is found exclusively in shallow waters along the Atlantic coast of South America (from Brazil to Uruguay and Argentina).

Where Are the Dolphins?
At the Gephyreus Project, we monitor 10 study areas:
In Brazil: the coastal areas of Itajaí and Florianópolis (Baía Norte), the Laguna estuary, the mouths of the Araranguá, Mampituba, and Tramandaí rivers, and the estuarine and coastal areas of Lagoa dos Patos.
In Uruguay: coastal areas between La Coronilla and La Paloma/Cabo Polonio.
In Argentina: areas between Bahía Blanca and Bahía de San Antonio.

Extinction is forever, but you can help now.
Make a difference. Act for Lahille's bottlenose dolphins today and help save this species from extinction.
We have selected three priority projects from our 5-year Action Plan for you to contribute to. Learn more about these projects below and support the conservation of Lahille's bottlenose dolphins in South America.