
Pescador pescando em conjunto com um boto-de-Lahille
Ignacio Moreno

Using Citizen Science to Promote the Conservation of Lahille's Bottlenose Dolphin in Partnership with Local Communities

This subproject aims to strengthen community involvement in the conservation of Lahille's bottlenose dolphin by using a citizen science approach combined with information campaigns.

Planned actions include improving the "fisheye" mobile app and other data platforms where society can participate in scientific research. Additionally, training sessions will be offered to local residents, enabling them to take part in dolphin sighting data collection and report threats or illegal activities in critical areas.

The subproject will last for two years, with an estimated cost of R$ 50,000.00 per year. Join the Gephyreus team in this important conservation campaign.

R$ 0,00

our target is to R$ 50.000,00


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