
Família de botos
Rodrigo Genoves
Visão aéread de um grupo de gephyreus
Sebastião Leal
Foto da barbatana de um boto fora d'água
Elisa Ilha

Mapping the Distribution and Hotspots of Lahille's Bottlenose Dolphins in Southern Brazil and Uruguay

Photo-identification studies conducted in specific coastal areas suggest that the Lahille's bottlenose dolphin subpopulation in southern Brazil and Uruguay does not exceed 400 individuals. Incredible, isn’t it?


To confirm this information, which is crucial for understanding the conservation status of the species, we launched this campaign. Our goal is to raise funds to finance helicopter surveys along the southern coast of Brazil and Uruguay, providing the first monitoring with broad geographic coverage for this species.

Sightings made during the surveys will allow us to estimate population density and identify priority areas for the conservation of this endangered species. We plan to conduct four helicopter surveys over two years, with an estimated cost of R$ 110,000.00 per survey. Join the Gephyreus team in this important conservation campaign.

R$ 0,00

our target is to R$ 110.000,00


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