

Silvina Botta


Biologist graduated from the National University of La Plata – Argentina, with a master's and doctorate in Biological Oceanography from the Federal University of Rio Grande - FURG.

She is currently a professor at the Institute of Oceanography at FURG, where she also supervises master's and doctoral students in the Biological Oceanography Postgraduate Program. She is also a founding member of the NGO Kaosa. She has dedicated her career to the study of marine megafauna, especially pinnipeds and cetaceans, while also collaborating on research with other groups such as sea turtles and sirenians. She has extensive experience in isotopic techniques applied to the ecology and biology of marine predators, as well as in age estimation, trophic ecology in general, and habitat use. Recently, she has begun research in the area of marine pollution, primarily focused on plastic contamination of subtropical and polar marine ecosystems.