

Rodrigo Genoves


Doctor in Biological Oceanography (2019) from the Federal University of Rio Grande, in cotutelle with Flinders University (Australia), with an emphasis on analyses of social structure in wild animals.

He has been involved in scientific research since 2007 as a researcher at the Marine Mammal Laboratory of the Oceanographic Museum "Prof. Eliézer de C. Rios" – FURG. Rodrigo has participated in several national and international research projects, including long-term projects such as the Baleias and ECOPELAGOS projects in the Antarctic Peninsula and Cetaceans and Birds of the Southeastern and Southern Brazil Continental Shelf. Throughout his professional career, he has specialized in data collection and analysis for the monitoring of small cetaceans (photo-identification, biopsies, and drones), genetics, behavior, and population dynamics. He is also a member of the NGO KAOSA, which works on environmental education projects, coastal management, evaluation of the effectiveness of environmental public policies, and the development and creation of socio-environmental educational materials.