

Luciano Dalla Rosa


 Graduated in Oceanology (1996) and obtained a Master's degree in Biological Oceanography (2000) from the Federal University of Rio Grande - FURG.

He holds a PhD in Zoology from the University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, Canada (2010). He works in the areas of Ecology, Zoology, and Oceanography and has extensive experience in cetacean research in the South Atlantic, Southern, and Pacific Oceans. His areas of interest include species-habitat relationship modeling, marine vertebrate telemetry, cetacean conservation and population dynamics, abundance estimation methods, interactions between marine mammals and fishing activities, and megafauna ecology of the Southern Ocean. He is an associate professor at the Institute of Oceanography of FURG and a permanent faculty member of the Postgraduate Program in Biological Oceanography (of which he was Coordinator from 2019-2021 and Associate Coordinator from 2021-2023) and the PPG in Ambientometry at IMEF-FURG. He is a researcher in the Brazilian Antarctic Program (PROANTAR), where he coordinates the Whale Project, and co-leader of the orca thematic area in the Southern Ocean Research Partnership (SORP) program, associated with the International Whaling Commission (IWC). He was a member of the National Institute of Science and Technology in Antarctic Environmental Research (INCT-APA) and INCT-Mar/Center for Integrated Oceanography (COI). He is also a member of the Pool of Experts for the second cycle of the Regular Process for the Global Reporting and Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment of the United Nations. H-index: 22