

Elisa Ilha


Bachelor's and Licentiate in Biological Sciences (UFRGS) and Master's in Animal Biology (PPGBan/UFRGS). Technical manager of the Botos da Barra Project (CECLIMAR/CLN/UFRGS).

Manager of the Botos da Barra Project (CECLIMAR/CLN/UFRGS), monitoring Lahille’s dolphins and cooperative fishing in the Barra do Rio Tramandaí (RS). Works on environmental monitoring and photo-identification of dolphins, political advocacy for conservation (safeguard and management instruments), and communication (including dialogue between traditional and scientific knowledge). Experienced in cetacean data collection (aboard, fixed points, and strandings), habitat use and distribution models, and conservation biology. In the interface between nature and cultures, has experience in ethnoecology; conducting interviews and biographical oral methods, participatory workshops, and participant observation with fishing communities.