
Puramuesca is a female Lahille’s bottlenose dolphin that has become an icon of the population inhabiting Uruguay’s oceanic coast. Over 20 years old, she symbolizes the connectivity and movement between the dolphin populations of southern Brazil and Uruguay, showing how these animals cross borders to survive and thrive.
Regularly seen along the Uruguayan coast, her fame began in 2007, when she was identified by Paula Laporta and Pedro Fruet—researchers from Uruguay and Brazil, respectively—during field monitoring in the coastal waters of southern Brazil near the Lagoa dos Patos. Puramuesca, recognized by several “muescas” (marks) on her fin, is living proof of the connection between the two nations, reinforcing the importance of international collaboration in conserving these incredible animals.
By symbolically adopting Puramuesca, you will be supporting vital efforts to ensure that these cross-border movements continue to be monitored and protected, helping preserve the future of Lahille’s bottlenose dolphin populations throughout the region.
Adopt Puramuesca by donating any amount, fill out the form below: