
Foto do dorço de um boto macho fora d'água
Ignacio Moreno
Vários boto-de-Lahille nadando lado a lado
Liane A. Dias
Pescador pescando em conjunto com um boto-de-Lahille
Ignacio Moreno


Chiquinho is one of the most experienced male dolphins frequenting the Barra do Rio Tramandaí. At nearly 20 years old, he has accumulated a rich life history and a wealth of knowledge.

The son of Geraldona, a respected matriarch, Chiquinho learned to cooperate with artisanal cast-net fishermen, a tradition that keeps the bond between humans and dolphins alive. Through monitoring efforts by our Gephyreus Project, we discovered that Chiquinho is a true explorer. He frequently moves between different estuaries, such as the mouth of the Mampituba River (RS), covering approximately 80 km regularly.

Additionally, Chiquinho faces a challenge that is becoming increasingly common among Lahille’s bottlenose dolphins: lobomycosis, a skin disease that requires constant attention.

Understanding these movements and the interconnection between dolphin populations is essential for the conservation of the species. By adopting Chiquinho, you will support our research on the connectivity and health of these incredible animals.

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