
Equipe Projeto Gephyreus
Projeto Gephyreus
Boto gephyreus com um filhote
Pedro Fruet
Imagem de uma mãe baleia e seu filhote
Rodrigo Genoves
Boto gephyreus com um filhote
Rodrigo Genoves
Foto de uma orca
Ignacio Moreno

Action 1 – 8th Cycle of Lahille’s Bottlenose Dolphin Photo-ID Data Collection

The Gephyreus Project conducts photo-identification of Lahille’s bottlenose dolphins in Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina, focusing on their movements and abundance. Notable findings include births, as well as sightings of whales and orcas.

Since September 2024, we have been conducting the 8th data collection cycle of the Gephyreus Project. Our teams in southern Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina are out in the field in their respective areas to photo-identify Lahille’s bottlenose dolphins, with activities scheduled until December of this year.

Since 2018, we have adopted this integrated approach to simultaneously coordinate field outings in the study areas. This effort is challenging because weather and sea conditions are not always favorable in all regions at the same time. However, the data obtained are essential to investigate the movement of marked individuals between areas and to estimate population parameters, such as species abundance and survival.

We have already recorded the first births of the season in the Patos Lagoon, as well as the passage of a Southern Right Whale with her calf! In Tramandaí, during one of our surveys, we even spotted an orca very close to the coast!

And there is much more to come! Stay tuned to our social media for updates and action reports.